Home » How to Start and Finish a Strong Training Session at the Gym Without FEAR

How to Start and Finish a Strong Training Session at the Gym Without FEAR

by Gym Slacker

Your weekend training sessions may be the least fun times you schedule for yourself. You know you’re going to hit a wall, and you’re going to be miserable. You can avoid that by scheduling your sessions around specific resistance training goals. But even if you’ve got the perfect program in place, there’s no guaranteeing that your training sessions will be fun or enjoyable. If you’re like most people, at some point during your weeknight routine you’re going to dread coming to the gym. It’s not easy to get into a good mood when the thought of getting sweaty, hand weights in all kinds of new positions, and heavy dumbbells is enough to make anyone pout (and sweat). To help increase your motivation and decrease that dreaded ‘Friday night blues’, here are a few tips on how to start and finish a strong training session at the gym without fear.

Determine your training goals first

Before you start a training session, consider what your training goals are. This will help you determine which exercises are necessary for you to do and which ones are not. If you don’t know what you want to focus on, you’re likely going to end up doing more than you need. For example, let’s say you want to build more muscle. One great way to start is by going to the bench press. But, if you don’t know how to set yourself up for a muscle-building workout, you’re going to do more bench presses than you need. And, the same goes for going to the leg press or the leg curl.

Plan the most effective training program you can

Once you’ve determined what type of training is necessary for you to do during your workweeks, the next step is to plan the most effective training program you can. There are a number of ways to do this. The first is by mapping out your training sessions in advance and writing them down on paper. This will help you stay focused and avoid forgetfulness. Another way is to have a training journal. This will help you track all your training sessions and make sure to log any important details such as the exercises you do, the exercises you avoid, and the number of reps you perform. There are a number of tools that can help you design a program that works best for you. One of them is a training diary. This is a great way to keep track of your training sessions and get honest feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

Stay hydrated and refuel before, during, and after your training sessions

One of the most important aspects of a strong training session is to stay hydrated. You don’t need to drink lots of water throughout the day, but it’s a good idea to have a few 16-ounce glasses of water before, during, and even after your training sessions. If you’re not drinking water, your performance will be negatively affected. You’re likely going to be more productive if you’re not getting in your reps and burning more calories. Another tip is to drink your water ahead of time. This will help you stay hydrated and boost your energy. Make sure to drink at least 2/3 of your daily recommended amount (2 glasses of water for every day of the week) just before your training sessions.

Take it from a personal trainer’s perspective: Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback

While you shouldn’t micromanage your training sessions, it’s important to know what other clients are doing. You don’t need to be the best at doing everything. In fact, you might even want to avoid trying some of the more advanced exercises because you don’t yet have the skill set to make good use of them. But, there are some basic moves you should be able to do well without thinking. These include: – standing easy – walking easy – standing hard – walking hard – lying facedown – lying faceup – holding an object – stooped – sitting – prone – and unassisted You don’t have to be a pro at all of these exercises to benefit from the feedback provided by others. In fact, most of the time, you won’t even know you’re receiving it.

Cool down afterwards with specific exercises or moves that you know make you feel better

Another important part of a strong training session is to cool down. This is when you focus on individual muscles in your body that may be tight or achy after your workout. Depending on how your workout session went, you may want to focus on specific exercises that helped build the muscle you worked on or go the distance a little bit and focus on a different muscle group that needs a boost. You can also focus on specific body parts that you feel like you’ve been neglecting and need to get more work in order to feel satisfied.

Find the best music to enhance your effort level and mood

While some people just want to listen to their own music when they’re in the gym, many athletes experience a boost in performance when they listen to certain types of music. This can be for a few different reasons. One, it can be really motivating to associate with the ‘low frills’ types of music. And, two, it can be helpful to the ears when you’re trying to train hard and focus, but also want to have some fun while doing so. If you’re trying to get more out of your training sessions, you should definitely consider finding the best music to enhance your effort level and mood. It may very well save your weeknight routine from going south in the middle of it.

Bottom line

Your weekend training sessions may be the least fun times you schedule for yourself. You know you’re going to hit a wall, and you’re going to be miserable. You can avoid that by scheduling your sessions around specific resistance training goals. But even if you’ve got the perfect program in place, there’s no guaranteeing that your training sessions will be fun or enjoyable. If you’re like most people, at some point during your weeknight routine you’re going to dread coming to the gym. It’s not easy to get into a good mood when the thought of getting sweaty, hand weights in all kinds of new positions, and heavy dumbbells is enough to make anyone pout (and sweat). To help increase your motivation and decrease that dreaded ‘Friday night blues’, here are a few tips on how to start and finish a strong training session at the gym without fear.

Article Image Source: Unsplash‍

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