Home » Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Building Muscle

Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Building Muscle

by Gym Slacker

In today’s world, everyone is looking to get in shape as quickly as possible. Whether it’s a simple desire to look better or an aversion to the growing rates of obesity, we’re all looking for answers. And while there are plenty of different ways to get fit, most of them focus on just one element: building muscle. While that might sound like something only men care about, the truth is that women need just as much help getting stronger and more muscular than they were before they started working out. The best weight lifting exercises for a woman are the same ones that will work for anyone from any gender; you don’t need anything special to build muscle and get strong. However, if you want to learn how to build muscle faster with specific programs and exercises that target your weaknesses then read on!

Include compound exercises in your routine

While you can absolutely build muscle more quickly by targeting certain muscle groups with more intensive workouts, there’s no point in doing so if you don’t include compound exercises in your routine. Examples of compound exercises include running, jumping, and climbing. These exercises are highly functional and will help you get stronger in a variety of ways. For example, running will improve your cardio fitness and help you burn more calories, while climbing will improve your leg strength and flexibility, making it a much safer form of cardio. This kind of training is great for anyone who wants to look and feel better, but it’s especially vital if you’re a woman wanting to build muscle. While women have to worry less about looking too bulky due to the smaller size of their limbs, they also have to worry about injury. For women, compound exercises are an essential part of a well rounded fitness plan.

Focus on core strength

One of the biggest challenges that both men and women face when trying to build muscle is core strength. Core strength is the ability to stabilize your body in a variety of positions. Most weight lifting exercises will require you to use this core strength in some way, and if you don’t have it already, you’ll quickly find yourself out of breath and injured. Luckily, core strength is one of the easiest things to work on and there are a number of ways you can get it ready to face your workouts. One of the best ways to get core strength ready for a workout is to get a workout ball. Not only will this help you get a better workout by putting a new spin on things, but it will also teach you how to use your abs without always having to think about it. Once you’ve mastered that, you can also add in exercises like side planks, Russian twists, and bicycle crunches to get your abs ready. Not only will this help you stay strong when you get to the weight room, but it will also help you get a better workout on your own.

Don’t forget about your legs and butt

Adding in exercises to work your legs and butt won’t just make you more prepared for basic fitness, it will also make you more prepared for your weight lifting workouts. While your upper body is going to get a significant amount of work during typical weight lifting routines, your legs and butt are both incredibly important for daily life and regular fitness. One of the best ways to get your legs and butt ready for your weight lifting is to add in booty pops and glute bridges before your workouts. These exercises not only make your butt ready for weight lifting, but they also get you ready for running and day to day activities like grocery shopping and getting kids to and from school. If you’re struggling to stay fit while you’re doing all of those things, these activities will help you out. Once you’ve got your leg and butt strength in place, you can also work your upper body. You can do this by either doing your usual upper body exercises but with your hands on your hips, or you can add in lighter upper body workouts while you do your lower body exercises.

Use resistance training

While compound exercises are a fantastic addition to your routine, they’re not enough to build muscle. That’s why, even before you start your weight lifting routine, you’ll want to include resistance training. Without resistance training, you’re not going to build any muscle at all. Rather, you’ll be strengthening the muscles that are already there, which is useful if you’re strong in those areas, but not so much if you need to learn to strengthen them. That’s where the best weight lifting exercises for women come in. By adding in exercises like squats and lunges, you can build strength in your legs, hips, and butt while also working your muscles. If you want to take things a step further, you can also add in exercises like pushups and situps to get your body more prepared for your weight lifting workouts. While these are great for daily fitness, they can also help you get stronger for your weight lifting.


The best weight lifting exercises for women are the same ones that will work for anyone from any gender; you don’t need anything special to build muscle and get strong. However, if you want to learn how to build muscle faster with specific programs and exercises that target your weaknesses then read on. First, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting plenty of cardio. This can be done through a variety of different activities, such as running, elliptical machines, or even swimming. You should try to get as much cardio as possible, as it will help your body burn fat quickly and efficiently. Next, you’ll want to make sure you’re including compound exercises in your routine. While you can absolutely build muscle more quickly by targeting certain muscle groups with more intensive workouts, there’s no point in doing so if you don’t include compound exercises in your routine. Finally, you’ll want to work on core strength and leg and butt strength. These will make sure you’re ready for basic fitness, but they’ll also make sure you’re ready for your weight lifting workouts.

Article Image Source: Unsplash‍

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