Home » The Ultimate List of Ineffective Trap Exercises by Athlean-X

The Ultimate List of Ineffective Trap Exercises by Athlean-X

by Gym Slacker

Brace yourselves as I break down Jeff Cavaliere’s trap exercises from the least to the most effective, helping you separate the traps from the traps!

When it comes to building strong and defined trapezius muscles, it’s important to focus on the most effective exercises that will give you the best results. Jeff Cavaliere, also known as Athlean-X on YouTube, is a renowned fitness expert who provides valuable insights into training and exercise techniques. In this article, we’ll explore the worst trap exercises according to Jeff Cavaliere and why they may not be as effective as other options.

Upright Row

The upright row is a popular exercise for targeting the trapezius muscles, but according to Jeff Cavaliere, it can put excessive strain on the shoulder joints and lead to potential injury. The movement involves lifting a barbell or dumbbells straight up to shoulder height, and the position of the arms can cause stress on the rotator cuff and shoulder ligaments. Instead, Jeff recommends alternative exercises that target the traps without compromising shoulder health.

Rolling Shrug

The rolling shrug is another exercise that Jeff Cavaliere criticizes for its potential to cause shoulder and neck strain. This movement involves rolling the shoulders in a circular motion while holding a heavy weight, which can put undue stress on the delicate structures of the neck and upper back. Jeff advocates for safer and more effective alternatives that allow for targeted trap engagement without risking injury.

Above the Knee Rack Pull

Rack pulls are a popular exercise for targeting the upper back and traps, but Jeff Cavaliere advises against performing them from above the knee. This variation of the exercise can put excessive stress on the lower back and fail to effectively engage the traps. Instead, Jeff recommends modifying the range of motion to ensure proper trap activation while minimizing the risk of injury.

Incline Y Raise

While the incline Y raise may seem like an effective exercise for targeting the traps, Jeff Cavaliere points out that it can lead to shoulder impingement and potential injury. The movement involves raising weights in a Y-shaped pattern while lying on an incline bench, but the positioning of the arms can place stress on the shoulder joints. Jeff suggests alternative exercises that provide targeted trap engagement without compromising shoulder health.

Face Pulls

Face pulls are a popular exercise for targeting the rear deltoids and upper back, but according to Jeff Cavaliere, they may not be as effective for trap development. While face pulls can help improve shoulder stability and posture, they may not provide sufficient trap activation compared to other exercises. Jeff recommends incorporating a variety of movements to effectively target the traps from different angles.

Trap Pull Down

The trap pull down is a common exercise for targeting the trapezius muscles, but Jeff Cavaliere suggests that it may not be as effective as other options. This movement involves pulling a cable attachment downward to engage the traps, but Jeff advocates for alternative exercises that provide a more comprehensive approach to trap development.

Farmer’s Carry

The farmer’s carry is a functional exercise that involves carrying heavy weights for distance, and while it can provide overall strength and stability benefits, Jeff Cavaliere argues that it may not be the most effective for trap development. While the traps are activated during the exercise to stabilize the shoulders and upper back, Jeff recommends incorporating targeted movements specifically designed to maximize trap engagement.

Below the Knee Rack Pull

Similar to the above the knee rack pull, the below the knee variation can put undue stress on the lower back and fail to effectively engage the traps, according to Jeff Cavaliere. Instead of performing rack pulls from this position, Jeff recommends alternative exercises that provide targeted trap activation without compromising lower back health.

Plate Trap Raise

The plate trap raise involves holding a weight plate and raising it to shoulder height, but Jeff Cavaliere suggests that it may not be the most effective exercise for trap development. While the movement can engage the traps to some extent, Jeff recommends alternative exercises that provide a more comprehensive approach to trap activation.

Dumbbell High Pulls/Barbell Upright Row

The dumbbell high pull and barbell upright row are exercises that involve pulling weights upward to shoulder height in a vertical motion. However, Jeff Cavaliere advises against these movements due to their potential to cause shoulder impingement and injury. Instead, Jeff recommends alternative exercises that effectively target the traps without compromising shoulder health.

Trap Bar Shrug

Finally, the trap bar shrug is a popular exercise for targeting the trapezius muscles, but according to Jeff Cavaliere, it may not be as effective as other options. While the movement can engage the traps to some extent, Jeff recommends alternative exercises that provide a more comprehensive approach to trap development.

In conclusion, Jeff Cavaliere provides valuable insights into trap exercises, helping fitness enthusiasts understand which movements may not be as effective as others. By incorporating alternative exercises and modifying traditional movements, individuals can maximize trap development while minimizing the risk of injury. It’s important to prioritize proper form and technique when performing trap exercises to achieve optimal results and ensure long-term shoulder health.

In summary, Jeff Cavaliere’s recommendations for the worst trap exercises provide valuable insights for fitness enthusiasts looking to improve their trap development and overall shoulder health. By understanding the potential risks and limitations of certain movements, individuals can make informed decisions about their training approach and incorporate safer and more effective exercises into their workout routines. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can build strong and defined traps while minimizing the risk of injury.

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@keithbrookes1109 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Thanks Jonni,
I watched too much of Athlean X. led me to fear of some exercises

@UCanGetWitThisOrUCanGetWitThat December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Jonni cut that video up so he could critique the silliest shit. There are 3 sections of the Trap and Jeff clearly says which section of the trap the exercise is working and that he's tried of ppl overly focusing on the upper trap. Jonni too focused on the upper trap

@spingybingy5610 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Not hating on anybody but a whole video on one person. You did something similar with greg. I suppose if you discuss popular youtubers you pick up more views/ subscribers

@spingybingy5610 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Im not an athlean x fanboy but following his advice helped me be able to work through shoulder issues. Its easy to criticize others. I probably will trust the natty guy training into his middle age for longevity. Upright rows were terrible for me so i agree with athlean x. Even with strict form or low weights they were insidious on my shoulders.

@kalemos December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

My problem with upright row is the position of the wrists, so I prefer to do it with dumbbells or with the rope on the pulley.

@Yo64130 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Behind the neck pull down?!?!?! Hahaha Athlean lost it

@timetothink6150 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

athqueenx is just plane nonsense…

@anthonymontgomery2727 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I have a question. Do you respect the weight of i sumo deadlift as you would a regular deadlift? I tell people all the time sumo deadlift is easy

@anthonymontgomery2727 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I used to go to star fitness. They had a shrug machine. Does anyone really think traps are extremely important

@Fk8td December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Trap pull down? 🤣

@jakesuspect8991 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

No hate but I stopped watching athlean x because there were so many athletes and Drs I came across who countered alot of his msgs. I was doin clean and press 1 day when I realized I was doin an upright row to get the weight up 🤣

@bbrockRailFan December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I use to do upright rows but I never went stupid heavy. I would use maybe 100lbs at the most. I wouls actually stand next to a pole in my garage and slowly drag it up the pole until i was at mabe the collar bone leverl then slowly drag it down. I did this back in the early 80s becuase I didng have access to a smith machine. I never had an issue with this movement. I agree most people jerk heave and go way way to heavy on these. Its ridiculous. Also I firmly feel your first working set shou;d be your heaviest if you try to go up and you went heaviest on your first you will probably end up recruitung areas you dont want to recruit and boom you end up eventually injuring yourself.

@zymethkoril3772 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I love it! i've been waiting for someone to roast athlean-x I hate how he talks and how he explains shit

@footballlegend7531 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Disagree with you 110% on upright rows/weighted internal rotation with elevation but when i saw the Trap Pulldown, it was a face palm moment i must agree.

@maxschmidt9461 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

love it!!! Jeff's just bein' comedic at this point. only thing I'd critique is forgetting to mention th elower traps actually do need to be tatgeted seperatly from the upper traps if it's anywhere near a trap isolation, sure, super ROM rows will do it all, but they'll hit your lats, erectors and rear delts just as much, so wile a great overall back exercise(and for my hyper sensitive traps all I need, together with shoulde rand lat exercises) they're too compound to be a trap exercise to me, so it's mid and upper, mid and lower or just upper traps. high rows are my favorite for lats and lower traps(good for mid traps too, but for them one set of focused 70-80° torso-direction of pull rows will blast them so had their sore for a week so I don't ever do direct work, similar to my upper traps

@DrMarvinLara December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

If you dont like Jeff Cavalier, its because he trains MLB and NFL players to be athletes. Not weight lifters

@seigfredarevalo-lb7ru December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Athlen X is under Nourished build-compare him to other Instructor.he is Skinny!

@seigfredarevalo-lb7ru December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Athlean-X is al;ways making EXPERIMENT! he does know what's he is doing! look at his build -there is no shape at all compare to other body building Instructor.

@carlossantos-rios9337 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

This is why I stopped watching Athlean X.

@Chromosome1919 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

All made up nonsense. Im no pro trainer but most of his list is pure bs i agree with johnny boy here. 👆

@godles1982 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

athlean clown …

@Elvinkun December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I agree with roll behind for traps exercise is horrible. I tried that once, all i feel is my muscle being misplaced but im trying to pull. It doesn't give me the force to workout in buliding muscle.rather, It gives me unnecessary pain and damage. And my chiro will smile for the shouldwr or trap fix. 😅.

@VICMANROQ December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

There is an upper, middle and lower trapezius. You only focused on exercises that target the upper trap. AX was overall Trapezius training. Gotta put that into context.

@jbrandona119 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

That behind the neck “trap pulldown” is wild 😂

@AjaychinuShah December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Tell me that transfers the dianetic essence and mind element into his crotch beeetch. That machine buddy he’s sleeping with.

@captkalik December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Jeff will shake your hand three ways with both hands to make sure he has no muscle imbalances or impingement

@ohmyp33nus4 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

16:18 This and understanding the muscle movement for growth alone covers everything. Absolute gold! Thank you Sir!

@thelazarusheart86 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I gotta point out that Jeff says 'worst of thr worst' when he gets to the rack pull, meaning the upright row was the 'best of the worst' and the roling shrugs were positioned as worse than the upright row. So that complaint is kind of moot.
Everything else is spot on though.

@michaelbarletta1024 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Y-Raises do hit to the lower trap, they aid in shoulder flexion along with the shoulders serrates and long head of the bicep. That’s like saying the bench press doesn’t hit the chest because it hits the anterior Delts or biceps.

@wesleydennis7098 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

You seem really triggered about the upright row lol

@chaco883 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Upright rows is to Jonni what face pulls are to Jeff 😂

@brianhowe2078 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Same here, I stopped watching him recently because of all the one set crap he's preaching now

@kimd2094 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

the only way I watch Athean x videos is through other people commenting on his bs 😁😁

@rickeyyates4378 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I stopped watching Athlean X years ago… He doesn't make any sense

@gonzaloquintana2463 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

best video of the year HFS

@sniktythwip5524 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Nobody tell Jonni about Jeff’s “face pull with a trap raise” thing. It’s where Jeff finishes the face pull with an over head press. Good thing it wasn’t in this video or Jonni might stroke out.

@danielkrome6640 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Above the knee rack pulls gave me the strentgh and power and my traps have been growing. ..
Also the hex bar tarp for shrugs…
This 2 is my game change…My own experience….
Love your channel Jonni.
I do my workouts with good form technique even if i go heavy or not heavy.

@soonerborn7603 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I will admit, I never do upright rows. But not because Jeff said they’re bad. I gave it plenty of chances and I just can’t seem to get it to work for me. I do have poor mobility, which doesn’t help. I’m sure I’ll always go back to them occasionally to see if they work for me!

@kiiaramiller2775 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

No, i disagree, upright row is not worth it. It is way better to be safe then sorry. Also Athlean Exx gives good info.

@darianharman9193 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

One thing I learned from Jeff:

"Follow The Fibers".

The Y Raise seems to be antithetical to that simple concept which HE espouses!

@spookythomas2767 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

15:44 So true, if I don't use straps during shrugs, my fingers give out before my traps do.

@shoulung6203 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I'm not a power lifter, but in a clean and jerk, from what I've seen people performing it, is your torso is moving down as your arms work to raise the bar, which is not what an upright row is doing.

@mylarhyrule904 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Trap work…. I go strapless until my grip strength starts to be an issue, then I use straps to finish off…. I welcome the forearm work, but don’t wanna sacrifice much trap development

@vinkoanic December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Upright rows are the sole reason I built my shoulders, i treat them as a compound movement and do them first on a push/shoulder + arms day, have nothing bad to say about it

@shirshjaurihar9266 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

knowimg little bit of anatomy would have gone a long way helping u to understand that the lower trap functions to rotate ur scapula upward….hence the y raise

@gaz7978 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Wow I thought Jeff knew his stuff..

@Who_JJonnnnnes December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

I hope Mr. Cavaliere watches this at some & responds with a diss track/video 😂😂😂😂😂😂im over here CRYING 😂😭 Make sure to copyright then print up that straps/traps tee! That would be fire!!!

@danbelcher4751 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

Athlean-x is a joke

@petermozuraitis5219 December 29, 2023 - 4:53 pm

One critique of Jonni’s anger towards Jeff in his exercise selection is to keep in mind that whenever your arms reach above your shoulder and get close to a locked out OverHead position, your traps are being worked. Lu raises work your traps, upright rows overhead work your traps, and front raises overhead work your traps. His demonstration of the Lower Trap Raise is weird because in the past he’s started the exercise by tapping a bench at shoulder height, for less shoulder more (lower traps). The essential trap exercises do elevate and retract your shoulders, but the lesser seen but essential function of the (lower) traps is to stabilize when your arms are locked and overhead your shoulders.
A great exercise that Athlean X introduced to me is DB arm locked overhead carry


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