Home » HATER: Athlean X Fake Weights Revival and Jonni Shreve’s Advice

HATER: Athlean X Fake Weights Revival and Jonni Shreve’s Advice

by Gym Slacker

Revival Fitness is a HATER: The Return of Athlean X Fake Weights | Feat. Advice From Jonni Shreve

When it comes to the world of fitness, there are always going to be controversies and scandals that capture the attention of the community. One such controversy that has recently come to light is the return of Athlean X Fake Weights, and the involvement of Jonni Shreve in the situation. As expected, the folks at Revival Fitness have a lot to say about it.

The Return of Athlean X Fake Weights

For those who are not familiar with the previous scandal, Athlean X, a popular fitness brand and influencer, was accused of using fake weights in their workout videos. This sparked a huge debate within the fitness community, with many people questioning the authenticity of Athlean X’s claims and achievements. After lying low for a while, it seems that Athlean X is back in the spotlight, this time with a new set of controversial videos that have reignited the debate.

The involvement of Jonni Shreve

Adding fuel to the fire is the involvement of Jonni Shreve, a well-known figure in the fitness industry. Shreve has been providing advice and guidance to athletes and fitness enthusiasts for years, but his recent association with Athlean X and the fake weights controversy has raised a few eyebrows. Many are wondering how someone of Shreve’s caliber could be involved in such a scandal, and what it means for his reputation moving forward.

Revival Fitness Speaks Out

Revival Fitness, a popular fitness group known for its no-nonsense approach to training and nutrition, has been quick to speak out about the situation. While they are all for holding people accountable, they also stress the importance of not succumbing to a “hater” mentality. They understand the need for transparency and authenticity in the fitness industry, but they also urge people to keep their negative vibes in check and approach the situation with a level head.

Fun and Informative Take

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Revival Fitness has managed to address the controversy in a fun and informative way. Through their social media platforms, they have encouraged their followers to engage in a healthy dialogue about the issue, offering their own insights and perspectives on the matter. They have also made it a point to remind everyone to focus on their own fitness journey and not get caught up in the drama.

In conclusion, the return of Athlean X Fake Weights and the involvement of Jonni Shreve has certainly stirred up a lot of buzz in the fitness community. It’s important for all of us to approach these controversies with an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions. Let’s keep the conversations going, but let’s also remember to keep things light-hearted and fun. After all, at the end of the day, we’re all just here to improve our fitness and live our best lives. So let’s lift each other up, both figuratively and literally, and keep pushing towards our goals!

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@PeteOnPurpose December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Haha yes I stopped watching revival after he blasted you, seemed a little hypocritical calling everyone clout chasers when every video he calls out other YouTube’s for clout?

@alexlong8678 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Why can’t we all be fitness friends?

@sabinoangelico4678 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

He's a goofball. If somebody is a skinny high school kid.. His channel is great, if not.. it's worthless

@BrawnyKingFitness December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

I can predict Revival's response to your video: "I don't care about your opinion, ever consider that?"😂

Revival is very grumpy in all of his videos. I have not seen him smile, ever. He needs to work on that.
My inclination is that Jeff is using fake weights. He is 5% bodyfat and that would make it more difficult for him to pull it off. You and Scott Herman are at a much healthier bodyfat%.
Much respect to Jeff if he is actually able to lift that while being shredded. Most people will not able to even survive at 5% all year round, even with PEDs.

@fl676 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm


@JiraiyaSama86 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

This has a similar feel to a scene of The Flash that I just saw recently. Where Eobard told Barry that what he(Barry) calls rage, he(Eobard) calls commitment. In this case, RF would be Eobard.

Funny, I just noticed that RF and the Reverse Flash has the same initials. Lol

@booleah6357 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

It feels like fitness YouTube is kinda just becoming another drama group and while I love a dumpster fire every now and again it's not something I like all the time. I think a lot of these guys embroiled in controversy or taking heat need to take a step back and just refocus to get back on the topic of actual fitness. I get views can differ on that too but instead of calling someone out all the time why not have a more reasoned conversation and let the better idea win the day in the minds of viewers. I agree with Jonny.

@EngineeredBody December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Perfect thumbnail

@FitLabb December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

I think RF needs to take a step back to reevaluate what value he’s offering with some of his content & if he’s actually helping people, or if he’s just adding to the dumpster fire of negativity with some of his clout chasing content.

I actually believe he has the potential to be a great positive contributor to the fitness industry if he can dial things back a bit with his unnecessarily aggressive style & stop creating controversy & drama seemingly for his own purposes (and stop his push to normalize PED use). I think he’ll have a much more successful & longer career in the fitness industry if he can drop the “tough guy” act & shed his overly inflated ego so he can actually hear & appreciate any opposing views & better serve his viewers as a more positive force. I hope he can change for the better as I wish him well in all he does. 👍

@BinxandDan December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Drama gets boring …so I kinda avoid certain things. I think more positivity is needed in the fitness industry 💪 🤓

@briansmith7786 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

As a means of discussion, would you levy similar critiques against Greg, especially after his recent videos against Remington James? Is it Greg's place moderate all of YouTube fitness and critique anything he doesn't like? Especially when he hasn't been entirely forthcoming with some of his supplements. Jonni's video is in the right direction, but there should not be a moratorium on critique vids. Does there need to be a balance? Absolutely. Do too many fitness youtubers go out of their way to stir up drama and make butt-hurt response videos? Absolutely. I would hope that you'd keep yourself consistent, as we all should hold ourselves to that kind of standard.

@jakeloewen533 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Revival Fitness smells like six week old sardines

@BinxandDan December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Not a fan of him as well. But CORRECT a bit of a stretch. The demo was also on point even this weren't fresh. The whole fake weight thing never bother just when it came to poor information for me. But RF is looking for clicks from a big name. I get it. You're content is always great my friend 💪🤓

@TheTenCentStory December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

You can't tell others to "stay in their lane" if all your videos are calling out other people.

@joelazorik3744 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

I think it’s best if we respect bulking’s healthcare wishes and let it die. No need to keep it alive. No need to revive it. In my personal experience I’ve had my worst results with bulking.

@nilo7727 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

T-Laz man good vid I agree people need to stop being haters "can we all just get along?!" There really is to much negativety in the world people need to worry about what they're doing instead of what others are doing positivity needs to be shared we do need to lift each other up & you my friend are always trying to lift people up you're always recommending others I luv that & you've been soo kind to me I appreciate you much Tom dude & respect on the alternating press I'm sure all that core work you do helped control that alternating concentric & eccentric!! Please give Bodhi some hugs & kisses for me tell him it's from Uncle Nilo!!👌💪😃🤎🐶

@GVS December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

I watched Jonni's video and can't quite help but thinking it's misguided. His friend Greg is the one calling out everyone, creating imaginary drama (HOW DARE YOU!), selling underdosed or under researched products. Is calling that out…negative? I look at that as a positive, as long as it's done in a semi-classy way. I try to keep emotion out of it now, and just stick with the facts.

I also found it ironic given his video on me just the Gshred Wars which was quite negative and he got quite a bit of pushback on.

Some behavior MUST be called out, and there aren't many people doing so. Truthfully, I don't even like making videos calling out people who are just trying to line their wallets or deceive people. I like making informative content. But if no one calls these people out, they get freedom to do whatever they want, and that typically means the consumers getting bent over.

That being said, it's easy for a content creator to go down the path of doing it too much. It's a fine line between calling out BS and just creating imaginary situations for clicks.

@notsure1276 December 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm

Tom you're 💪. Off topic but I used to see Steve Austin at gym when he was part of Nash Bridges.


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